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Blog-The Healing Power of Biodanza

The healing power of Biodanza amazes me. I have always described Biodanza as a “dance healing methodology” and for me this describes it perfectly. A system designed to work at multiple levels aimed at re establishing natural order in the body. To come back to yourself. To consciously transform the the pain and suffering we all endure in life and to re establish the connection to life. The sacredness of life.
This time of COVID 19 has shaken all of us. Setting off waves of uncertainty, fear, trauma, stress, anxiety, confusion. Our beliefs and certainties are being challenged head on. It has shaken us to our core and people feel lost in this new reality. I too have been shaken….but I consciously choose to dance. Why? Because when I dance I consciously choose to stay connected to life and to ensure that my biology and physiology are aligned to joy, happiness, peace and harmony. All of this attainable by dancing in a Biodanza class.
A few weeks ago an international participant Monica, in one of my Online Biodanza classes wrote this after a class:
“Thank you very much Feroza! I want to share something with you, something that happened during the vivencia. I have chronic pain in my back. It started when I was 13. I’m 41 now.. Usually it is not a very bad pain, but it is always there. When we were dancing tonight…suddenly I realised there was no pain at all…You really do magic. As you say, this is not the traditional way of doing Biodanza but your energy is so special, that we can still feel that special energy in the group. And I love it”.
These words touched my heart and affirmed for me why I do the work of Biodanza.
They say a healer is a person that triggers something in you to heal your life. This is the job of a “Conscious Biodanza Facilitator”. This is what I am training the Students in the School of Johannesburg to embrace. We hold space, so others can feel safe and allow the healing of themselves. We, as Facilitators need to be clear on what we are doing and why. As Conscious Biodanza Facilitators we need to do the work on ourselves, to fully integrate the work of Biodanza.
With my love,