Join our ONLINE Biodanza Classes every Thursday at 6:30pm. To register please WhatsApp +27 (0)83 64 333 22.
The Science behind Biodanza
To investigate Biodanza is like investigating a treasure deep in the ocean or to watch
an indefinite universe full of incredible, beautiful miracles.
Dr. M Stueck
There is science behind Biodanza.
Biodanza is used extensively by some psychologists in South America for its deeply therapeutic value. It speeds up therapy. It takes you out of “talk, talk”, puts you into the body and you cannot avoid how you actually feel. It puts you into direct social contact with people on a weekly basis. And the objective is to raise you into a state of happiness and excitement about life.
There are specific clinical groups for whom it may be contra-indicated, or who may require specific / special care. For further details, contact Carolina.
Psychological Evaluation of Biodanza
Research studies by Dr Marcus Stueck of the Institute for Applied Psychology at the University of Leipzig have validated significant improvements in participant’s sense of wellbeing after participating in a series of ten classes.
Abstract From Dr. Stueck’s Evaluation
“Biodanza, a form of intervention intended to further health and well-being, originated in South America by Rolando Toro and encourages self-expression and self-management through music, dance and interaction. Since 1998, we have been investigating the influence of a 10-session Biodanza program on 150 subjects on various psychological (regulation of emotion, health, personal psychology), physiological (skin response, blood pressure) and immunological (immunglobulin A) variables.
“Initial results from the experimental-control-group study in Argentina and Germany reveal significant changes in psychological health and personality variables after 3 Months (Post 1). After a further 3 months without Biodanza, the effect could be seen to have stabilized. It could be shown that regular, long-term participation in Biodanza had positive effects on the experience and behaviour of the subjects.”
Dr Stueck
Dr Marcus Stueck is an award winning researcher at the world famous Institute of Applied Psychology, University of Leipzig, Germany. In 1995, whilst on a scientific expedition studying the behaviour and physiological reactions of high altitude mountaineers in the Andes, he came across Biodanza. Since then, he has devoted much of his professional life to the empirical study of Biodanza and its behavioural and physiological effects on participants. In the process, he has also trained as a Biodanza Facilitator.
Published Research Papers
Stück, M., Villegas, A., Schröder, H., Sack, U., Terren R., Toro V., & Toro R. (2004). Biodanza as Mirrored in the sciences: Research concerning the psychological, physiological and immunological effects of Biodanza. 1st International Research Colloquium of the BTD Hanover; Germany (Poster)
Stück, M., Villegas, A., Schröder, H., Sack, U., Terren R.; Toro V.; & Toro R. (2004). Biodanza as Mirrored in the sciences: Research concerning the psychological, physiological and immunological effects of Biodanza. Zeitschrift “Moving on. Dance Therapy Association of Australia” DTAA Quarterly 2004, Vol.3, No 2
Stück, M.; Villegas, A.; Schröder, H.; Sack, U.; Terren R.; Toro V.; Toro R. (2004). Biodanza as Mirrored in the sciences: Research concerning the psychological, physiological and immunological effects of Biodanza. Arts in Psychotherapy, Vol.31, No 3
Stück, M. (2004) Bewältigung psychischer Fehlbelastungen in der Schule: Intervention mit Tanzelementen für Lehrer: „Lerne, das Leben zu tanzen“ (Biodanza). Schulpsychologischer Tag Sachsen, Abstrakt-Band
Stück, M.; Sack,U.; Villegas,A.; Terren,R.; Toro V. (2004) Psycho-neuro-immunological effects of a new psychological Interventionmethod BIODANZA. 28th International Congress of Psychology (Weltkongress Peking/China, ICP2004). Abstrakt-Band.
Stück,M.; Schröder,H.; Villegas,A.; Terren,R.; Toro V. (2004) Psychological effect-evaluation of a new psychological Interventionmethod BIODANZA. 28th International Congress of Psychology (Weltkongress Peking/China, ICP2004). Abstrakt-Band.
Sack, U., K. Meier, K. Bauer, M. Stueck: Psycho-immunological evaluation of stress prevention by Biodanza. 3rd Leipzig Research Festival for Life Sciences, 10. Dezember 2004. Zwickau: Verlag Leipzig: Universität Leipzig (2004), 98